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During the Kylin community discussion at the beginning of this year, we talked about the positioning of multidimensional databases and the idea of building a Kylin-based business semantic layer. After some development efforts, we are delighted to announce the beta release of the MDX for Kylin , an MDX query engine for Apache Kylin to allow Kylin users to use Excel for data analysis.
The primary difference between multidimensional databases and relational databases lies in business semantics. As the must-have skill of data analysts, SQL (Structured Query Language) is extremely expressive, but if we are talking in the context of "every professional will be an analyst", it is still too complex for non-technical users. For them, data lakes and data warehouses are like dark rooms that hold a huge amount of data; they cannot see, understand, or use the data for lack of the fundamental knowledge of databases and SQL syntax.
How to make data lakes and data warehouses "easy" for a non-technical user to use? One solution is to introduce a more user-friendly "relational data model - multidimensional data model". If relational models are to provide a technique-oriented description of the data, multidimensional models intend to provide a business-oriented description of the data. In multidimensional databases, measures correspond to the business metrics that everyone is familiar with. Measures provide the analytic perspective to check and compare these business metrics. For example, it is like comparing the KPIs between this month and last month, or the performance of different business departments. By mapping the relational model to a multidimensional model, we add a business semantic layer on top of the technical data, thus helping non-technical users understand, explore, and use data.
In Kylin Roadmap, support for multidimensional query languages (such as MDX and DAX) is an important part, as we aim to enhance the business semantic capability of Kylin as a multi-dimensional database. Users can use MDX to convert the Kylin data model into business-friendly language, so they can perform multidimensional analysis with Excel, Tableau, and other BI tools and understand the business values from their data.
When building complex business metrics, MDX provides the following advantages if compared to SQL:
What is MDX?
MDX (Multi Dimensional eXpression) is a query language for OLAP Cube. It was first introduced by Microsoft in 1997 as part of the OLEDB for OLAP specification and later integrated into SSAS. Since then, it has been widely adopted by OLAP databases.
MDX is similar to SQL in many ways and also offers some SQL features though maybe not as intuitive or effective as SQL. For example, you can include SELECT, FROM, or WHERE clause in your MDX queries. But it is not an extension of SQL. You can use these keywords to dig into specific parts of the Cube.
MDX query syntax are as follows:
select <axis_specification>[, <axis_specification>] from <cube_specification> where <slicer_specification>
Key concepts of MDX
Please learn some basic MDX concepts before we continue.
For detailed information about these concepts, see MDX Syntax Elements (MDX).
Comparison of MDX and SQL
The query objects are different. MDX is to query the cube, with data already joined and aggregated, so users needn't specify the join relation when querying. SQL is to query a table with detailed records. Users need to specify the join relation among the tables when querying.
Another difference is the query result. SQL returns a 2d data subset, while MDX returns the cubes.
What is MDX for Kylin?
MDX for Kylin is an MDX query engine which developed based on Mondrian, contributed by Kyligence, and with Apache Kylin as data source. Like Microsoft SSAS, MDX for Kylin can also integrate many data analysis tools, including Microsoft Excel and Tableau, to provide a better user experience for big data analysis.
How to create business metrics
Atomic metrics and business metrics
In Kylin Cube, we will perform certain aggregate calculations (such as Sum/Max/Min/Count/Count Distinct, exclude TopN) on a single column when creating measures, and the measures created are called atomic metrics.
In actual business scenarios, we can run complex calculations based on these atomic metrics to create composite metrics with business implications, and these metrics are called business metrics.
Hierarchy, Calculated Measure, and NamedSet
Dataset as semantic model
In Kylin 4, we create a data model based on the relationship among tables, and define different dimensions and measures on the Cube. These measures are atomic metrics.
In MDX for Kylin, we join related Kylin Cubes to create datasets and create business metrics based on atomic metrics.
Process of calculating
The client(BI/Excel) sends an MDX query to MDX for Kylin, which will then be parsed into SQL and sent to Kylin. After that, Kylin will answer the SQL query based on the pre-computed Cuboid and return the result to MDX for Kylin. Then, MDX for Kylin will do some derived metrics calculation, and return the multidimensional data results to the client.
MDX for Kylin supports MDX interface enhancing the semantic capability and creates a unified data analysis and management user experience. Now users can better leverage the value of data. The figure below shows the process of how raw data is processed into business metrics.
If compared with other open-source MDX query engines, MDX for Kylin has the following advantages:
docker run -d \ -m 8g \ -p 7070:7070 \ -p 7080:7080 \ -p 8088:8088 \ -p 50070:50070 \ -p 8032:8032 \ -p 8042:8042 \ -p 2181:2181 \ --name kylin-4.0.1 \ apachekylin/apache-kylin-standalone:kylin-4.0.1-mondrian
Wait for a few minutes, then check if you can visit the web UI of HDFS, YARN, Kylin, and MDX for Kylin.
In this tutorial, we will use Kylin's built-in sample Cube: kylin_sales_cube
Log in to MDX for Kylin
Log in to MDX for Kylin through the web UI: http://localhost:7080. The default account/password is ADMIN/KYLIN, the same as Kylin.
Define the dataset and relations
Create a time hierarchy
Rename the atomic metrics
Rename the atomic metric GMV_SUM to some names with business implications. In this tutorial, we named it as Sales volume, and renamed SELLER_CNT_HLL as Retailer numbers.
Create business metrics (calculated measures)
Connect MDX for Kylin!
Check sales volume with pivot tables
If you do NOT have a windows version Excel, you can also use REST API to test the business metrics just created. Note: please change the variables in the <Statement></Statement> section based on your setting and update the value of Catalog if needed.
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:7080/mdx/xmla/learn_kylin' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic QURNSU46S1lMSU4=' \ --header 'Connection: Keep-Alive' \ --header 'SOAPAction: "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis:Execute"' \ --header 'User-Agent: MSOLAP' \ --header 'Content-Type: text/xml' \ --header 'Accept: */*' \ --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=22BF2B6D889F183D7F7E898D4D769398; MDXAUTH=ZUt6V1VBRE1JTjoyYTk3Zjg2NTdiNjk0NTE5NzA0NjFiN2ZjYTNkYzg2OToxNjQ2NjMxNDkw' \ --data-raw '<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <Session xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis" SessionId="8nblet191q"/> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <Execute xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-analysis"> <Command> <Statement> SELECT {[Measures].[Sales volume], [Measures].[Retailer number], [Measures].[Average sales volume of retailers], [Measures].[Proportion in total annual sales volume], [Measures].[YoY growth rate of sales volume], [Measures].[MoM growth rate of sales volume]} DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY Hierarchize(AddCalculatedMembers({DrilldownLevel({[KYLIN_CAL_DT].[Calendar-Hierarchy].[All]})})) DIMENSION PROPERTIES PARENT_UNIQUE_NAME ON ROWS FROM [demo0] CELL PROPERTIES VALUE, FORMAT_STRING, LANGUAGE, BACK_COLOR, FORE_COLOR, FONT_FLAGS </Statement> </Command> <Properties> <PropertyList> <Catalog>demo0</Catalog> <Timeout>0</Timeout> <Content>SchemaData</Content> <Format>Multidimensional</Format> <AxisFormat>TupleFormat</AxisFormat> <DbpropMsmdFlattened2>false</DbpropMsmdFlattened2> <SafetyOptions>2</SafetyOptions> <Dialect>MDX</Dialect> <MdxMissingMemberMode>Error</MdxMissingMemberMode> <DbpropMsmdOptimizeResponse>9</DbpropMsmdOptimizeResponse> <DbpropMsmdActivityID>6C94075F-65AD-4B9E-B3EB-4536A191A6AB</DbpropMsmdActivityID> <DbpropMsmdRequestID>9FA20B8A-ACA0-414E-98EA-14649F20CF75</DbpropMsmdRequestID> <LocaleIdentifier>1033</LocaleIdentifier> <DbpropMsmdMDXCompatibility>1</DbpropMsmdMDXCompatibility> </PropertyList> </Properties> </Execute> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>'
If you want to check the official documentation, please check the manual : For developers who want to contribute, please check our Github page : . Feel free to leave your suggestion, ask a question or report a bug by referring .
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