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Overview of the Semantic Layer

A comprehensive guide to the Semantic Layer and industry’s solutions

A Unified Semantic Business Model to Map Complex Data Into Clear Business Terms


In the real world, enterprises typically use more than one BI tool and need to analyze huge volumes of data. With different teams using different platforms, and the management and maintenance challenges that follow,  it becomes increasingly difficult for business users to get insight from data efficiently.


A semantic layer is a business abstraction derived from the technical implementation layer, a model layer that uniformly maintains business logic, hierarchies, calculations, etc., which frees business users from concerns about the technical complexity and implementation of the underlying data source by providing a unified, consistent and easy way to discover, understand, and utilize the data.


This Overview of the Semantic Layer introduces the importance of the semantic layer, how to leverage, and a deep dive into the key features of the semantic layer.


The overview covers:


  • What is a Semantic Layer
  • The benefits of a Semantic Layer
  • Key Competencies of a Semantic Layer
  • What Types of Semantic Layers Are BI Vendors Offering
  • Kyligence’s Unified Semantics-as-a-Service Capability
  • Summary – Critical Capabilities of a Semantic Layer


Read this overview to find out all the details!

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