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Metrics Store Overview

Learn the ins and outs of the metrics store and how it can help enterprises achieve metrics consistency, reusability, self-service definition, and scalability.

Everything You Need to Know About Metrics Store


In short, a metrics store is a middle layer between upstream data warehouses/data sources and downstream business applications. An enterprise-grade metrics store is built to centralize, connect and manage data assets. Standardized and centralized metrics help avoid ambiguity and redundancy and simplify business analysis and applications.


Read this overview to dive into more details about the what, why and how of the metrics store, see the metrics store in action from a real customer's case study, and learn the development strategy and process behind it.


In this guide, you can expect to receive:


  • A high-level explanation of the definition and capabilities of the metrics store and how organizations can benefit from it.
  • Case study: the Pandora Metrics Platform


Get started right now by downloading our Metrics Store Overview.

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