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Kyligence Cloud 4.5 Data Sheet

Kyligence offers an Intelligent OLAP Platform to simplify multi-dimensional analytics for cloud data lakes.

Why Kyligence Cloud?


Effectively working with Big Data in the Cloud requires solutions that are simple to roll out, easy to use, and extremely flexible. Having the ability to scale resources on demand for Big Data analysis gives your organization the ability to quickly and cost-effectively respond to changes in the market.


Kyligence Cloud makes this possible. Providing an intelligent OLAP planform, Kyligence simplify multi-dimensional analytics for cloud data lakes and delivers the industry's fastest analysis on massive datasets while lowering the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) of your Cloud infrastructure.


What Kyligence Cloud offers?



  • Unified Semantic Layer
  • Seamless BI Integration
  • Enterprise-Grade Security


  • AI-Augmented Engine
  •  Intelligent Routing
  • Intelligent Storage Optimization


  • Lower Cloud Cost
  • Compute once, reuse multiple times
  • Managed services


Read this solution overview to learn the details!

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