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Metrics Store

What Is a Metrics Store?

A metrics store is, in the simplest words, a middle metric layer between upstream data warehouses/data sources and downstream business applications.

What Is a Metrics Store?

Compare BI reporting with Metrics Store​

Metrics Driven Architecture
Chart comparing Today's Architecture vs. Metrics-Driven Architecture

Compare BI reporting with Metrics Store

Unlike traditional BI reporting, metrics store decouples metrics definition from the BI reporting and visualizations. And the teams who own the metrics enjoy big benefits:

Advantages of a Metrics Stores

Advantages of Metrics Stores

Metrics Consistency

Metrics and BI can be decoupled to create standalone metrics stores, the single source of truth.

Metrics Consistency

Metrics and BI can be decoupled to create standalone metrics stores, the single source of truth.

Metrics Reusability

Reuse flexibly across BI visualizations, SaaS integrations, and an API, opening up tons of new use cases that were not previously possible with BI reporting.

Metrics Reusability

Reuse flexibly across BI visualizations, SaaS integrations, and an API, opening up tons of new use cases that were not previously possible with BI reporting.

Metrics Access Democracy

An extremely intuitive user interface to allow non-technical business users to define and analyze.

Metrics Access Democracy

An extremely intuitive user interface to allow non-technical business users to define and analyze.

Metrics Scalability

A strong computation engine to back up metrics store to achieve the scalability of business metrics consuming.

Metrics Scalability

A strong computation engine to back up metrics store to achieve the scalability of business metrics consuming.

Case Study: Unified Metrics Stores

for Retail Banking

Unified Metrics Store for Retail banking

A Top Commercial Bank in China has successfully rolled out a self-service metric platform — Pandora, to democratize data across the bank since December 2019.

The Challenge:

Frustrating and Inefficient Data Analytics

Chart illustrating a timeline beginning with Request for Metrics and ending with Go-live & UAT

The Solution

The Solution

Reduce 90% of ETL efforts. Reduce 5 days in delivery time

The Result

An Easy, Smooth, and Time-Saving Workflow

Chart illustrating modified timeline beginning with Request for Metrics and ending with Develop reports & UAT

Learn More

Learn More

Download our well-researched deck to learn more about the history and how of metrics store.

Download our well-researched deck to learn more about the history and how of metrics store.

Download our well-researched deck to learn more about the history and how of metrics store.

Recommended Resources

Try our AI-Powered Metrics Platform Today


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